Creating a Custom Save The Date Card for Julia and Thomas
Published July 9, 2024 315 Views
When my dear friend Julia approached me to illustrate a Save The Date card for her upcoming wedding to Thomas, I was thrilled. They envisioned a design that encapsulated their love story and personal touches, from sentimental flowers to their beloved dog. Here’s a glimpse into the creative process b...
Global Mural Conference 2016 - Mural Expo Needs Your Help
Published June 22, 2016 3220 Views
One of the things I am most passionate about is "bringing art to everyone". It's my mission to make art as accessible to as many people as possible. Art is a healing force, on many physical and meta-physical levels. I believe the more art touches more souls, the better the world will be. It's bec...
Canandaigua's Commons Park Mural: Highlighting Artist Chloe Smith
Published June 14, 2016 5714 Views
Many sincere thanks to guest blogger and superb marketing strategist Debbie Smith of Intuit Marketing for interviewing Chloe for this post! A Coach Street wall in Downtown Canandaigua will be donning a new look this summer. A mural, depicting Canandaigua's iconic imagery, is soon to be debuted fo...
Canandaigua's Commons Park Mural: Highlighting Artist Melissa Newcomb
Published June 7, 2016 4913 Views
Many sincere thanks to guest blogger and superb marketing strategist Debbie Smith of Intuit Marketing for Interviewing Melissa for this post! Five local artists were selected to paint five separate components of a mural highlighting Canandaigua’s rich history and iconic imagery. The culmination of...
Canandaigua's Commons Park Mural: Amy's Overview
Published May 30, 2016 5100 Views
There is a very large mural project, for which I’ve had the pleasure of acting as artistic director, which will be installed in Downtown Canandaigua (on Coach Street) very soon! Even though when it arrives on site it will appear to have developed rather quickly, the mural itself has been several mon...
August is American Artist Appreciation Month
Published August 31, 2015 3883 Views
Here we are on this, the (final hours of the) final day of August, which happens to have been American Artist Appreciation Month. I was asked by fellow illustrator and artist extraordinaire Patience Brewster to join her in writing a blog post about an artist by whom I am inspired. What a fun task!!...
Women Artists of the Finger Lakes Contemporary Show & Sale
Published May 22, 2015 3277 Views
The two canvas paintings I submitted to the Women Artists of the Finger Lakes Contemporary Show & Sale were accepted! First of all, I was so delighted just to have received the prospectus! I was honored to be considered for such an event. It will be the first juried exhibit of my adult career (I had...
Illustrated Book Cover "Fracking Justice" ~ Launch Party June 2, 2015
Published May 20, 2015 3178 Views
Many times, when I tell people I am an illustrator they say, “Oh…? What books?” Well, funny thing is, I have illustrated a LOT of things in the span of my career (wall murals, advertising, portraits, signage, etc.) but only one book cover! And this book cover was just completed recently, for...
Oil Painting Class
Published January 14, 2015 4033 Views
Earlier last year, I took my very first oil painting class EVER! Believe it or not, I attended a University for four years, and received a Bachelor of Fine Art degree, and I never took one oil-painting instructional class. My first oil painting since taking the class – here it is while in...
Canandaigua Train Depot Mural is Complete!
Published November 15, 2014 4834 Views
Completed mural of Canandaigua’s train depot circa 1916 I really didn’t think it was possible to paint a 658 square foot exterior mural in fewer than 10 weeks, beginning in late summer in Upstate NY (where the weather is so unpredictable) but, I have pulled off the seemingly impossible! Canan...
Press Release - Local Artist Illustrates Canandaigua History in Mural
Published September 11, 2014 4008 Views
Local Artist Illustrates Canandaigua History in Mural Local artist Amy Wheeler has been recently commissioned to paint a rendition of the old Canandaigua train depot, circa 1916, when it was bustling with activity. The mural, which is being funded by private donors, is approximately 658 square feet...
Jeeps on the Beach
Published April 25, 2014 3152 Views
I painted a mural several years ago in a young boy’s bedroom, of a lighthouse on a beach. One edge of the mural ended at the corner of the room, and the other edge ended behind a tall, free-standing cabinet. This is how the mural looked when I finished it years ago. Well, fast-forward to...
Kitchen Chair Makeover
Published March 19, 2014 4141 Views
Recently, I was hired to repaint some counter stool-style chairs. They accompany a kitchen island in a beautiful Rochester, NY home near Lake Ontario. This project was really fun, and I think they turned out cute. There were a couple of initial challenges, as with any custom project. I am really ple...
Where to Find My Art ~ For Gifts This Holiday Season
Published December 4, 2013 3246 Views
There are several ways to purchase my artwork for gift-giving this Holiday season. When you are doing your Holiday Shopping, please be mindful of where you spend your money. It makes hand-made artisans, and artists, gleefully excited when you purchase from us! It is sending a great message to the re...
A firefighter Tribute Mural for Williamson NY
Published May 2, 2013 3319 Views
It’s done! After many long months of planning, designing, constructing, painting, and installing, I have completed a new mural for the outside of the old fire station in Williamson, NY, located at 4122 East Main Street. If you haven’t already, now would be a good time to read my previous post ab...
An Afternoon in Venice
Published February 10, 2013 38647 Views
Recently, I had the opportunity to paint one of the most challenging murals of my career. It is a scene from Venice which originated as a photograph that the homeowners had taken on their recent journey abroad to Italy. The photograph was taken overlooking a small “street” (waterway) in Venice, from...
Whimsical Mural for a Peace-Loving Girl
Published February 1, 2013 3210 Views
There are some universal symbols which young girls seem to gravitate towards: hearts, peace signs, flowers, swirls. I can’t explain this phenomenon, I just know it exists. I can recall when I was eight years old, possessing a shiny Trapper Keeper donned with heart bubbles, rainbows, and lots of Lisa...
Published October 18, 2012 3435 Views
I am occasionally hired by local interior designer and furniture refinishing guru Furniture Doctor to replicate hand-painting on pieces of antique furnishings. For over two decades, I have been hired by Furniture Doctor to hand-paint a myriad of items such as lampshades, chairs, trunks, tables, mirr...
My "Not-So-Insta" Grams
Published September 27, 2012 4485 Views
You will not see me in line for the new iPhone 5 this week. I do not own an iPhone. In fact, I don’t even own a phone with a keypad. Yes ~ in keeping with true Amy Wheeler Style, one could easily make the argument that even my cell phone is “vintage”! (Vintage is so much sexier than saying it is old...
Firefighter Photo Session
Published September 12, 2012 3238 Views
Just about two years ago, I was asked to submit a proposal to the Williamson (New York) Charrette Committee. The proposal was for a large exterior mural that was to depict the history of the three area fire departments: Williamson, Pultneyville and East Williamson. After a looooong selection process...
My Biggest (littlest) Distraction
Published July 28, 2012 2967 Views
I have two school-age children. It is summer. This poses a special challenge when you are self-employed and working from home. Also, I am filled with love and admiration for them. They intrigue me and inspire me. Here’s my son, being himself…
Streamline Marketing Interviews Me About Pinterest
Published July 12, 2012 3144 Views
I wanted to let you know that Erin Howard of Streamline Marketing has written an article about the “business” use of Pinterest, a web site designed for users to collect images from the Internet and place them onto categorized virtual bulletin boards. This is a screen shot of one of the boards...
Her's Yer Sign!
Published May 10, 2012 2909 Views
Yesterday, I finished and delivered a hand-painted sign for my dear friend Erin who has aReiki and wellness studio in her home. She needed a way for her clients to be able to find the door to her studio, especially since the studio is adjacent to her home’s main living space, but has a separate exte...
Published April 12, 2012 2911 Views
A friend recently brought up an interesting point, during a conversation we were having about home decorating. She was asking why it is that we own things that we had once loved and desired so much that we purchased it, brought it home, and displayed it prominently, only to – years later – discove...
Wip it, and Wip it Good!
Published February 12, 2012 7712 Views
Now I’m sure that DEVO, the 70’s punk/new age rock band did not have custom party decorations, hand-painted furnishings and mural proposals in mind when they wrote that song. But now that it’s stuck in your head… let’s “Go forward. Move ahead. Try to detect it. It’s not too late…” WIP actually st...
Gift-Buying, De-Mystified
Published December 14, 2011 3860 Views
There are lots of Gift Guides out there! So, why, might you ask, am I compelled to add another one to your “bookmark” list? Because many lists I’ve seen are driven by either the recipient (best gifts for kids, best gifts for men, etc.) or price (under $100, under $25, etc.). Two very excellent consi...
Photo Shoot for Where Women Create Magazine
Published November 29, 2011 3471 Views
So the Tiny Studio got some big excitement a couple of weeks ago! I had the delightful pleasure of hosting Jo Packham and Tiffany Kirchner-Dixon, who shot photos of me and my studio for a magazine called Where Women Create. Allow me to introduce them to you! Jo Packham, me, and Tiffany Kirchn...
Great Grape Pick-a-rama
Published October 11, 2011 3144 Views
When I received an e-vite last week from my friends at Finger Lakes Distilling asking me to come to their “Great Grape Pick-a-rama” to be held 10/10 (today – Columbus Day), three thoughts came to mind: 1. The kids are off of school that day, and it would be a wonderful opportunity to get them out...
Flashback Friday / Gratitude
Published September 30, 2011 3023 Views
Flashback Friday! Bringing back a piece from my past to share! This is an illustration that I painted in acrylics that was used for my wedding invitation, program, thank you notes, etc. This piece is proof that no one can accuse me of leaving off details. (Pun intended!) Autumn leaf, acrylic...
The Creative Connection Event 2011
Published September 22, 2011 3035 Views
There are so many opportunities I have been blessed with on my path to the things I want to accomplish professionally. One of the most influential ones was being able to attend The Creative Connection Event this year in St. Paul, MN, from September 15th – 17th. Myself, Tamara Stopinski, and N...