September 8, 2011
Today was the first day of school for my kiddos! Not to diminish the significance of this day normally, because in our family, it’s generally a pretty big deal. But this year, it’s really BIG. Both my kids are in the same school, riding the same bus, at the same time, for the whole day. I can definitely appreciate that this means different things to different moms. For thiswork-at-home-but-sometimes-on-location-mom, this means a much more consistent work pattern. I am equating this – possibly prematurely! – to a more consistent, predictable, (would organized be going too far??) lifestyle and career.
In the past 10 years, I’ve been working from home, and trying to make-a-go of my illustration career. The whole time, I’ve had the goal that someday I will be working full time doing just that and nothing else. Ten years ago, I started working full-time from home for another company doing web design and graphics. I’ve always been painting and selling artwork “on-the-side” but that job, at that time, took priority. I have been steadily decreasing my hours there over the years. Two years ago, I finally tipped-the-scales, and although I still hold that part time job, it is SO part time that some weeks I don’t put any time in at all. Beginning then, being an illustrator became my full-time job. However, those 40 (or more likely 60!) hours per week were still sliced up into bits and scattered between daytime, nighttime, and weekends because I also worked around my kids’ schedules. I had part-time day care, part-time preschool… my entire week was comprised of “part of this” and “part of that”. So, now you can see why I am so hopeful that having this lovely NEW schedule will carve a whole new path for me and my family.
There are so many wonderful and exciting things happening for me in the coming months!! And I feel like, because of all the hard work I’ve put in these past several years, juggling my time, this year should just seem a whole lot smoother!
New schedules.
New classes, new teachers, new supplies.
Today I started a new mural, in a new home. ~ One that is being rebuilt from being destroyed in a fire. New beginnings all around for that family.
New goals for our family. ~ If I can spend my time more efficiently, and balance everything better, this will directly effect my relationships, and our family life.
New career goals. ~Actually, my goals are the same as they always have been. I’ve decided to put forth some new procedures to help make me work better as an artist and to grow stronger as a business woman. I’ve also been sprucing up my studio space.

I think I just convinced myself I need some NEW ART SUPPLIES!! :)
oohhhh yeahhhh